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Intelligent Data Automation for Enterprise

with SnapLogic and Google

Modern organizations need insights that are extracted from real-time data and are delivered to the right people at the right time. SnapLogic is an easy-to-use, unified, data and application integration platform that delivers business insights fast. Access, integrate and automate your data, no matter where it sits within the business.

SnapLogic and Google have partnered via the Works with BigQuery Program to develop a native solution which provides users the ability to easily connect applications and data sources to Google BigQuery, without any coding, while also adopting a modern architecture for Extract, Load, and Transform (ELT).

Webinar Teaser Stefan Sprenger

As of today Rich Dill is Enterprise Solutions Architect & Partner Team Lead at SnapLogic. He has a history of success with industry leaders including IBM, Ascential and Sybase. Rich approaches technology with the mind of a scientist, the heart of an explorer and the soul of an artist. He’s a welcomed speaker in many locations of the globe, sharing his insights about data & automation on large scales with his audience.

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Welche Herausforderung willst Du meistern?

Hi, ich bin Kai.
Willst du die Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit in deinem Unternehmen verbessern? Dann klick dir doch einen kurzen Termin mit mir und lass uns darüber sprechen wie Google Workspace, Google Voice und Chromebooks dir dabei helfen können.

Foto von Kai Gossens

Ich bin dein Ansprechpartner für:

  • Google Workspace
  • Chrome Enterprise
  • Google Voice
  • Collaboration
  • Groupware
  • Work from anywhere
  • Video conferencing
  • Office-Suite
  • Communication
  • Hybrid Work
  • Gmail
  • Google Meet
  • Google Docs

Hi, ich bin Johnnie.
Willst du dein Unternehmen datengetriebener aufstellen oder eure IT-Infrastruktur flexibel und sicher in der Cloud abbilden? Dann vereinbare doch einen Termin mit und lass uns gemeinsam schauen, wie die Google Cloud dich dabei unterstützen kann.

Johnnie Clapper Bild

Ich bin dein Ansprechpartner für:

  • Google Cloud
  • Data Cloud
  • Data Insights
  • AI
  • ML
  • Analytics 
  • Data Studio
  • Cloud Infrastructure
  • Cloud Storage
  • BigQuery
  • Dataflow
  • Vision AI
  • Cloud Functions
  • Compute Engine